Drake Family Foundation For Veterans Has Helped Their First Family In Need.

This widowed wife lost her husband just over a year ago, he serviced our country in Spain and in England in the air force as an air traffic controller from 1957-1960. The family moved to the Pocatello, ID area in 1986 and from the time that they moved into their new home they were unbale to drink the water. Due to the fact of having such hard water the family of six was forced to buy either bottled water or water, just so they had drinking water able to drink. The water was so hard that it ruined her plumbing fixtures in less than two years, multiple washing machines and water heaters didn’t last very long. We were in the Pocatello area in November of 2017 and had heard that a widow of a veteran had no hot water for the last four days, we wanted to see what we could do to help after hearing her story of the countless water heaters, pipes, faucets and washer and the family had to buy and it touched our hearts and we really wanted to help her. We were able to replace her water heater and put in a home filtration system so after 31 years of living in the home she is finally able to drink the water from her tap and the minerals wouldn’t be such a problem anymore and ruin the new water heater in 4 years and continue staining and plugging her faucets. We are so excited moving forward with the Drake Family Foundation to help out the people that have fought for our rights to remain a free country. However this takes money and we are just starting out. This first project was paid for out of the pockets of our board of directors. If you are also excited to help out the Veterans and Widows of Veterans who cant help themselves please contact us with any questions and let us know if you have the ability to contribute to what is going to be a very special foundation that is addressing a real problem that we have found is a big gap in things that can be done to help out the people that have fought for all of us. Thank you.

Nick Drake

Posted by dffv at 9/4/2020 1:02:00 PM
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